The unique strength of CSE lies in the details and complete focus. We call it Quality by Difference. Everyone is aware of this: our own employees, as well as our loyal partners. Combo Repair is one of those partners. Workshop manager Chris Wiekken shares his insights.
The Collaboration
“For several years now, we’ve been maintaining CSE’s trucks and trailers, conducting APK inspections, and repairing damages and malfunctions. It’s quite a task: sometimes, we have five or six trucks coming in each day. Recently, we even built new enclosures on eighteen new trailers. It’s certainly convenient that we’re based in Born, just like one of CSE’s locations. This ensures short lines of communication. I also have good contact with Joenoes and Jorg, the fleet planners. We work excellently together.”
The Added Value
“We ensure that CSE can always keep running, with as many trucks on the road as possible. Quality is key here: we have skilled professionals with the right certifications. And we only use high-quality parts. Speed is also crucial: if a repair is needed, the vehicle has to get out of the workshop as quickly as possible. That’s why we’re flexible. If they ask if they can come by now, we can usually make it happen. A driver might have to wait a short while.”
The Future
“CSE was initially ‘one of the many’ customers, but has now become one of our largest clients. And since the company always wants to move forward, it will only get busier. What do the developments with LNG and electric trucks mean? As of now, nothing. They are maintained at the dealer itself. But I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of retraining our mechanics and adjusting the workshop for this. That way, we could support CSE even better!”